Journal Article Effect of endurance training on hemoglobin mass and V˙O2max in male adolescent athletes
Title Effect of endurance training on hemoglobin mass and V˙O2max in male adolescent athletes
Author Steiner, Thomas; Maier, Thomas; Wehrlin, Jon Peter
EHSM Authors Steiner, Thomas,, Wehrlin, Jon,
Year 2019
Herausgeber Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Abstract It is unknown, whether endurance training stimulates hemoglobin mass (Hbmass) and maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max) increases during late adolescence. Therefore, this study assessed the influence of endurance training on Hbmass, blood volume parameters, and V˙O2max in endurance athletes and control subjects from age 16 to 19 yr.; Hemoglobin mass, blood volume parameters, V˙O2max and anthropometric parameters were measured in male elite endurance athletes from age 16 to 19 yr in 6-month intervals (n = 10), as well as in age-matched male controls (n = 12).; Neither the level of Hbmass per lean body mass (LBM) (P = 0.80) nor the development of Hbmass during the 3 yr (P = 0.97) differed between athletes and controls. Hbmass at age 16 yr was 13.24 ± 0.89 g·kg LBM and increased by 0.74 ± 0.58 g·kg LBM (P < 0.01) from age 16 to 19 yr. There was a high correlation between Hbmass at age 16 and 19 yr (r = 0.77; P < 0.001). Plasma volume, blood volume, and V˙O2max were higher in athletes compared to controls (P < 0.05). Blood volume and V˙O2max increased with age (P < 0.01, similarly in both groups).; Endurance training volumes do not explain individual differences in Hbmass levels nor Hbmass and V˙O2max development in the age period from 16 to 19 yr. The higher V˙O2max levels of athletes may be partially explained by training-induced higher plasma and blood volumes, as well as other training adaptations. Since Hbmass at age 16 yr varies substantially and the development of Hbmass in late adolescence is comparably small and not influenced by endurance training, Hbmass at age 16 yr is an important predictor for Hbmass at adult age and possibly for the aptitude for high-level endurance performance.