Title | Assessing biological maturity timing by MRI and coaches’ eye in elite youth soccer players: A comparison between objective and subjective diagnostics utilizing correlation and single case analyses |
Author | Leyhr, D., Murr, D., Romann, M., Eichler, K., Basten, L., Hauser, T., ... & Höner, O. |
EHSM Authors | Lüdin, Dennis, dennis.luedin@baspo.admin.ch, Romann, Michael, michael.romann@baspo.admin.ch |
Year | 2023 |
Journal | International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching |
Abstract | The importance of considering information related to athletes’ biological maturation within talent identification and development processes is frequently emphasized by both sport scientists and practitioners. Although there is evidence for the use of objective diagnostics for assessing biological maturation, little is known about its subjective determinations by coaches. Such approaches are particularly relevant when scientific support is limited. Therefore, the current study aimed to compare a practical subjective approach (coaches’ eye) to assess biological maturity timing (BMT) with objective reference diagnostics (MRI). For this purpose, data were collected from 63 male elite soccer players of the U12 and U14 age group who were part of the German talent promotion program. Players’ BMT (i.e., skeletal – chronological age) was assessed by MRI and a subjective rating of two coaches. Data analyses revealed high-rank correlations (rs = .55; p |